


Usabilis is one of only a few user experience consulting companies in France. Since 2002, Usabilis has been assisting companies in the design of their interactive products and services. Usabilis provides a full range of user research services and usability testing facilities for the French market. Our experts in User Research will be happy to help you with your website, app, service or product.

Company Facts

Founded Employees User Researchers
2002 12 7
Founded Employees Researchers

Services Offered in France

Qualitative Research
  • User tests
  • Eye tracking
  • Card sorting
  • Focus groups
  • Interviews (personas, experience maps)
  • Shadowing
Quantitative Research
  • User tests
  • Online surveys
  • Card sorting
  • Ideation and co-conception workshops
  • UX wireframing
  • Prototyping & UI

User Research in France

Key Points about the French Market

Languages research can be conducted in:

French and English (the recruitment can be more tricky in English, as the average English level of French participants is quite poor).

Challenges for recruitment of research participants:

For the recruitment of a professional target, it's better to plan more time (2 weeks) and increase the incentives.

During the holidays, it can be a bit challenging to recruit users, otherwise, recruits are available during office hours. For a professional target, recruitment can be a bit more complex, and often requires evening slots.

Cultural pitfalls and solutions, how to’s, typical response behaviour:

The French research participants like to be addressed as «vous», the polite way of speaking.

They are quite open to give feedback and are really curious about the product and our job as researchers. They are keen to answer all type of questions, except money related inquiries that will require a bit of ice breaking before getting into the subject.

The French Market

Inhabitants:65,501 Million

% Mobile Internet Penetration:79%

Share of e-commerce sales of total retail sales:6,2%

Reachable Cities in France

Cities:Any major city for a test session, and anywhere in France for interviews.



Paris - 18 rue de Saisset
92120 Montrouge, France

Map Mask